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RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore upgrade with commercial endorsement

Our courses are presented throughout the year; please contact our office for dates and prices.
  • Pre-requisites: Listed below
  • Minimum age: Yachtmaster Coastal - 17 years / Yachtmaster Offshore - 18 years Years
  • Where: Langebaan
  • Duration: ±25 Days
RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Theory | 7 Days | Ratio 12:1

This is an advanced course in navigation and meteorology for candidates for the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore Certificate. The syllabus makes some provision for the revision of subjects in the Day Skipper Course but those who have not acquired the knowledge set out in the Day Skipper Course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in this advanced course in the time available.

  • Position
  • The magnetic compass
  • Tides
  • Tidal Streams
  • Buoy age
  • Lights
  • Pilotage
  • GPS and chart plotter
  • Echo sounders
  • Logs
  • Deck Log
  • Meteorology
  • Rules of the road
  • Safety at sea
  • Navigation in restricted visibility
  • Passage Planning
  • Marine Environment

***RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shore Based Certificate***
(Includes accommodation | Excludes food)

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical | 5 Days | Ratio 5:1

The aim of the course is to teach the skills and techniques required to skipper a cruising yacht (7-15m LOA) safely on coastal and offshore passages by day and night.

  • Passage Planning
  • Preparation for sea
  • Pilotage
  • Passage making ability as skipper
  • Yacht handling under power
  • Yacht handling under sail
  • Adverse weather conditions
  • Emergency situations

***RYA Practical Sailing Course Coastal Skipper Certificate***
(compulsory to sleep onboard | includes food)

Exam Preparation/Boat Handling - Coastal/Offshore | 5 Days | Ratio 5:1

This course is designed to revise the theoretical and practical aspects of the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Exams. It is assumed that all aspects of boat handling and theory are familiar to the students and only revision is required.

  • Practical navigation
  • Boat Handling (sailing on and off docks, ferry gliding, blind navigation, picking up moorings, tidal stream
    work etc)
  • General Seamanship
  • Responsibilities of Skipper
  • Safety checks & briefing

***Signed off in logbook ***
(compulsory to sleep onboard |includes food)

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Exam 3-4 Days

1 day passage plan
3 – 4 days practical exam

(We have allowed 3 – 4 days for the external exam to cover any unforeseen circumstances therefore you should not make any personal plans over this period)

NB: see link below on exam procedures.
Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Exam Syllabus.pdf


Yachtmaster Coastal

Experience and minimum sea time:

  • 30 days sea time
  • 2 days as skipper
  • 800 miles logged within 10 years prior to exam
  • 12 night hours
  • At least half qualifying miles logged in tidal waters
  • Miles logged on sail yacht < 78ft or 24m (at least 50%)

(Candidates require credit/ debit card details for exam payment)

**those holding a RYA Coastal skipper practical course completion certificate have a partial reduction to the sea-time of 400 miles and 12 days at sea**

Certification required before examination:

  • 2x ID photos (name written on back)
  • Copy of current First Aid certificate (STCW)
  • Copy of GMDSS Short Range Certificate or equivalent
  • Logbook complete (sea time)
  • RYA application form with payment details completed

Minimum age: 17 years old

Yachtmaster Offshore

Experience and minimum sea time:

  • 50 days sea time
  • 5 days as skipper
  • 2500 miles logged within 10 years prior to exam
  • 5 passages over 60NM, including 2 overnight passages and 2 passages as acting skipper
  • Miles logged on sail yacht < 78ft or 24m (at least 50%)

(Candidates require credit/ debit card details for exam payment)

Certification required before examination:

  • 2x ID photos (name written on back)
  • Copy of current First Aid certificate (STCW)
  • Copy of GMDSS Short Range Certificate or equivalent
  • Logbook complete (sea time)
  • RYA application form with payment details completed

Minimum age: 18 years old

Conditions for mileage on vessels ›24m or 200-500gt

  1. Yes, up to 50% qualifying mileage and days.
  2. The candidate must supply supporting testimonials or Seaman’s Discharge book.

Commercial Endorsement

  1. Candidates require credit/ debit card details for payment
  2. Required for working in the Overseas Yachting Industry

Additional documentation needed

  1. MCA Medical Fitness Certificate
  2. ENG1 (or) SAMSA Seafarers Medical Certificate
  3. PST / Basic Sea Survival Certificate
  4. PPR online course completion certificate

Additional documentation needed for STCW commercial endorsement (Offshore only)

  1. Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
  2. Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention

Optional Extra’s for those aiming to work in the International Super Yachting Industry

RYA / SAMSA SRC (VHF)1½ days
STCW 201011 days
RYA Ocean Theory5 days
ENG 11 day
RYA PB II2 days
RYA PWC (jet-ski)1 day
RYA PWC Instructor course3 days
RYA PB II Instructor course4 days
RYA Diesel Engine1 day
AEC (Approved Engine Course)5 days
RYA Radar1 day
Food Safety Course1 day
Steward/ess5 days

  • Pre-requisites: Listed below
  • Minimum age: Yachtmaster Coastal - 17 years / Yachtmaster Offshore - 18 years Years
  • Where: Langebaan
  • Duration: ±25 Days

Super Yacht Career Courses

RYA/MCA Day Skipper to Yachtmaster & Steward/ess courses for those starting out in Super Yachting industry

Short Courses | Recreational Sailing

From beginners to yacht masters – here is a course for you!